Korthals Passion
le forum des passionn�s de griffons korthals
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Descendants from several ancestors

This function searchs descendants from the selected dogs.
Note 1: to have the simpliest results, descendants from already found dogs are not displayed (they have the ancestors of their parents).
Note 2: descendants are searched through 5 generations. Deeper ancestors are not searched.
Parent 1 [ Parents... ] [ Reset ]
Parent 2 [ Parents... ] [ Reset ]
Parent 3 (optional) [ Parents... ] [ Reset ]

Common ancestors of seveeral dogs

This function searchs the common ancestors of the dogs i the list.
Note: ancestors are searched through 6 generations.
Search list Format: "id1, id2, id3, id4, ...". id is the dog identifier in the database (the number is the genalogy url). Example: 959, 2610, 7060 for Radentis Nomar, Big Jim and Cow Boy de Abel et Cains.

Descendants with inbreeding

This function searchs descendants that are inbred from the selected dog.
Note: descendants are searched through 6 generations. Deeper ancestors are not searched.
Parent [ Parents... ] [ Reset ]

List by points in pedigree

This function lists dogs ordered by the points in pedigree. The points in pedigree is explained in the help page.
Birth date
Studbook type